We recovered a total of $370,000.00 for a truck driver who severely sprained his ankle and then developed complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in his foot when he stepped on uneven ground at a residential construction site while off-loading HVAC equipment. We were forced to take the workers compensation case to trial because the employer cut off the client’s benefits based on an absurd report submitted by their defense medical examiner, who suggested that the client was faking his CRPS symptoms by somehow causing his foot to swell up and be unnaturally cold at the same time. We were able to show that one of the most well respected foot doctors in the Midwest had diagnosed the CRPS condition and that the defense examiner was not to be believed. The arbitrator not only agreed with us, but also penalized the employer for relying on such a biased report in terminating benefits. We succeeded at two levels of appeal and ultimately settled the workers’ compensation claim for a substantial sum plus a waiver of the workers’ compensation lien. We recovered $220,000.00 for the client in the difficult liability construction negligence case against the HVAC contractor and general contractor. We believe that we could show that the condition of the job site in the area where materials were being delivered was unreasonably dangerous due to poor housekeeping.